great to see that someone atleast responded, as you said starcloud, it has been a great adventure, sailing up the coast of Norway from trondheim ( trondheim is in the middle lofoten is far north ) to lofoten was really one of my best experiences in my life, almost as awesome as killing an difficult raid mob... ( just kidding ofcourse ) it was alot more awesome realy, the experience of living on a sailing boat without any motor or any modern navigation(we only used a map and a compas) for more than three weeks was realy hard but at the same time realy relaxing, in a wierd way, because when you are out sailing, stuff you have to do, you cant realy say no to it, you just have to do it for the safety of everyone on board,
but yeah i think i will be coming back, just to say hello atleast, but could anyone give me an link to the profit ui?
i tried to use it once a few months a ago but couldnt realy get it to work, and the original ui sucks, so i need it to raid